Before I tell you about how I got into the opiates, Ill tell you what I was doing before them. I was a freshman in highschool, living in a small town in South Jersey. I loved skateboarding, I loved art, drawing, painting, etc. I went to Philadelphia every weekend in the school year to skate, and almost everyday in the summer to skate. At this point I never did any drugs, never even smoked a single cigarette. Then I gradually stopped skateboarding and started drinking, going to parties, etc. Before I knew it I was smoking marijuana at these parties. Then I was selling it. I wasnt skatebarding at all anymore, or doing anything I used to do.Then I decided to try a percocet at a party. It was okay, nothing special. But I noticed how many people were taking them. So I decided to try selling some. Well eventually I was smoking pot everyday, and selling percocet 30s. Of course with them being in my hands all day, I started taking them here and there. Before I knew it, I was selling any drugs I could get for cheap, I was using the profit to buy the opiates, and then smoking some pot. A little farther down the road, all I was doing was the opiates. I used all my money on them. Any money I could get was used on them. I was setting people up, stealing drugs from people, etc, doing anything I could to get the pills. I lost my job, my car, most of my friends, and many peoples trust for the opiates. I moved out of town to my fathers because my mom couldnt take it anymore. For some people, like myself, you have to hit rock bottom to say to yourself " What the hell am I doing?". Now Im working full time, living with my father, and attending NA meetings. I look back at my addiction and remember times I just wanted to talk to someone. I just wanted someone I could tell EVERYTHING to, and completely confess and get it off my chest. I just wanted someone to be there to guide me along and understand what i was going through. Thats why I set up this site, to be that person for anyone else going through what I went through.